Please give us your feedback

CTC Alumni Association Inc is a membership driven group that depends primarily on the support of past students. 

We encourage ALL alums to register and become owners of your Association. Once our Facebook icon is added to this site, please visit our Facebook Page and join us. Our Facebook Page has volumes of information including videos and pictures.

We also urge everyone to become paid-up members by paying a minimal membership fee of US$20.00. If you live in Jamaica, your membership currently costs JAM$1000.00.

We have multiple methods to facilitate making your payment conveniently.  Paid-up members have the privilege to vote in all elections and run for office.  You receive quality gifts when available during reunion weekends (usually the 3rd weekend in July).

Your contributions and dues help to sustain and grow your Association.  Your financial support helps to provide Scholarships and Awards, pay statutory and legal obligations, pay administration fees, including hosting and maintaining the website and communication costs, among other things. 

We are governed by a board of directors, selected by members of the Association. Our By-Laws is our operational manual that was derived from our Constitution.  These documents will be available for all members.

We are excited that all our board members have volunteered to serve by giving their time and expertise.  Welcome aboard!  

Please use the form below