about CTC Alumni Association Inc

Vision Statement

To be an active and vibrant organization which positions Church Teachers’ College as a leading educational institution, promoting the well-being of the College in all aspects of its contributions to society.

Mission Statement

The mission of CTCAAi is to; Promote the growth, progress, and general welfare of Church Teachers’ College; Foster and encourage improved educational enterprises, programs and services of Church Teachers’ College; Enhance the general welfare of the College through the formation, implementation and management of development programs; Solicit and encourage alumni and friends of the College to make gifts, deeds, bequests and contributions of whatsoever nature to the College to perpetuate the traditions, purposes, growth and progress of Church Teachers’ College. Establish chapters around the world where CTC Alums live. Foster socialization and harmonious relationships among Members, Associate Members and Honorary Members, and their families. Keep Alumni conversant with the programs and activities of the College; Provide financial support to CTC and its programs; Assist the institution in the growth of its academic, administrative, cultural, and extracurricular activities.

CTC Alumni Pre 2010 History

dNote: May add background slide/carousel with M/Ville chapter including Ramonia, Tony, Perline, etc)

The Church Teacher’s College Alumni Association was established January 27, 1973. Its mandate expressed in its charter was to:
(i) – establish, encourage and promote close links between present and past students of the college;
(ii) – assist in the academic, intellectual, social and cultural development of the institution;
(iii) – foster continuous interaction among all past students of the college;
(iv) – maintain an active interest in the development of the country
(v) – ensure that all funds of the Association shall be applied solely to the furtherance of the expressed mandate.
As Mrs. Pearline Williams, the last elected president of the Association wrote in 1979, the Associations has passed through a number of prolonged periods of dormancy, interspersed with some activity. The Alumni Home-coming celebrated in the summer of 1997 was one such event which heightened interest in the Association.
It was another 8 years as the college approached its 40th Anniversary that the Alumni re-emerged to participate in the planning and execution of events commemorating the occasion. A 40th Anniversary Committee included the President of the association, Mrs. Pearline Williams and other Alumni members. As far as the Alumni was concerned, the inclusion of Alumni Day as a part of the College’s Founders Week celebrations was a significant milestone. This was an opportunity given to the Alumni to rally support on an annual basis. It is hoped that the activities planned around the day would also shed light on areas within the college that the Alumni could mobilize support for.
On November 19th 2010, a social was held, which saw the largest group of Church alumni in attendance. The new Principal, Mr. Garth Anderson and his wife Tracey; both Church alumni were introduced. He led the discussion, sharing where the College was heading and the role the Alumni could play.


CTC Alumni Association Inc History

Church Teachers College Alumni Association Inc – Over the past forty five years of the existence of The College, many batches have come together at various times with the intention of forming an alumni association. These efforts were noble and should be recognized and applauded because they fulfilled a need to stay connected.  Indeed, there is still a place for these smaller groups and we will support these batch-level subgroups.

We are all Churchites

There comes a time in the existence of any family when it must grow and this is the time for this family of Churchites to do so. To this end a small group of Alumni met in Plantation just outside of Ft Lauderdale in Florida, USA. It was in the month of January 2010, when the meeting convened by Ale Wilson that positioned us out on this journey into our destiny. The group met in an all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet restaurant. Alumni in attendance were Mike Andrews, Hepburn Davis, Errol (ET) Tomlinson, Barry Farquharson, Dwight and Heather Kettle, Clover Hughie-Scott and Pauline Schloss. This was our first meeting.
This dinner-meeting was a panel discussion whereby we each voiced our dream for the nascent organization. We left there late after going down memory lane via the Batch Eleven Yearbook. This book included Batches Ten, Eleven and Twelve students. One of the special and exciting aspects of this meeting is that we had Alumni from multiple batches and we were of one mind. This first meeting convinced us all that we were on the correct path. (We had several other one other meeting at China Buffet another restaurant; this time in Sunrise South Florida). We continued our discussion with Clover and Hepburn taking notes.
We were always fortunate in having Errol (ET) Tomlinson and his company, First Quality Home Health sponsoring the food. The food and fellowship was always great. The meeting that I consider the real launch of the organization was held in the home of Mr and Mrs Ale Wilson. At this meeting the management board was elected as follows; President: Mike Andrews, Vice President: Hepburn Davis, Secretary: Clover Hughie-Scott and Assistant Secretary: Heather Kettle. We made the decision that we should establish the association as a non-profit corporation and Pauline Schloss offered to ask her then future daughter-in-law, Sasha Watson to start proceedings. This was now May 2010.
Subsequently, several grueling meetings took place. It was really hard work to get all the fine details worked out. We had never done this before so we were all in virgin territory. Our meetings were always high-tech and high energy. There was always sound thinking and robust discussion. There was always a cadre of members on site and again I must thank Errol (ET) Tomlinson through the auspices of his company, First Quality Home Care. Mr. Tomlinson has been gracious in giving us access to his professional office where we now congregate for meetings. We no longer keep our meetings in the homes of Ale Wilson and Dwight and Heather Kettle. I would like to express thanks to the Kettle’s who gave us access to their home in Tamarac, Florida as a venue for one of our meetings. I can still remember the sumptuous meal they provided for all.
By September 20, 2010 we had come a long way. We were incorporated as a not-for-profit entity and have the proud seal of incorporation. We had by then set up a Yahoo group and a face book page to recruit and exchange ideas. Ale Wilson was now another Vice President. The first project was assisting with the replacement of St Mathias Chapel door. Today we have embarked on an association 45 years in the making. We have challenging work ahead to do and loads to lift. Churchites, we have done great things before, this is another chapter and we will do it together. Let’s Return to Reciprocate. R2R
Author – Hepburn Davis (B-11).

Our team

Meet the people who get the job done

Mike Andrews


Hepburn Davis

1st V.P.

Ale Wilson

2nd V.P.

Collington 'Barry' Farquarson


Pam Blake-Rose

Assistant Treasurer

Juley Wynter-Robertson

Secretary & Chapter Presdent

Heather Kettle.

Assistant Secretary

Aggett Crosbie

Senior Advisor

Crouse Campbell

Senior Advisor

Dr. Elton Hilton


Eulalee Bartley

Senior Advisor

Ruby Anderson

Advisor (need picture)

Dudley McLean II
